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Use It or Lose It: Maximizing Year-End Insurance Benefits for Eye Care

The year is quickly coming to an end, so be sure to use your vision insurance benefits for comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fittings, designer eyeglasses, and more.

Shielding Your Sight: Tackling Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Explore the intricacies of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and discover effective strategies for maintaining eye health through prevention and management.

How Safe Is It To Rinse Your Eyes With Tap Water?

While many people turn to tap water to rinse their eyes, it may not always be safe. Find out when to use water, and what to use when you can't!

Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health

Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and conditions? It's true!

This Winter, Don’t Let Dry Eyes Get the Best of You

The struggle against dry eye every winter is real. Fortunately there are eye treatments and home remedies to relieve symptoms.

Autoimmune Disease and Dry Eye: Is There a Connection?

Having an autoimmune disease like Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can affect your tear production and eye health.

Contact Lens Stuck In Your Eye? Don’t Panic!

Getting your contact lens stuck in your eye is a common occurrence. Fortunately, ​contact lenses cannot permanently get lost behind your eyes, so no need to worry. Read on to learn how to safely remove contacts and prevent them from getting stuck in the first place.

Can I Swim With Contact Lenses?

Though swimming in contact lenses may be tempting, it can lead to infection and redness. Read on to discover how you can see clearly when swimming without compromising on eye health.

Federal Way contact lenses, Are contact lenses better than glasses?

Kosnoski Eye Care Eye Clinic in Federal Way, Washington Do contacts make your vision worse? You have just visited our eye care clinic for an eye exam in Federal Way, Washington and you received a new vision prescription. Now it is time to purchase new eyewear – should you buy...